We take pride in our diverse international client base and have worked with companies and individuals from the US, UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Morocco, Israel, Russia, India, Nigeria, South Africa and others, operating in the aviation, manufacturing, e-commerce, advertising, entertainment, consulting, banking, retail, and wholesale industries.

In 2018, our accounting client base grew by 500%.
Not a single client has left.


1. Our people

We only employ accountants and chief accountants with work experience of 14 years or above. There are no assistants. All candidates must pass a difficult test.
We are an international team with educational and work experience in Europe and the US, with a variety of backgrounds, united by the common purpose of top-of-the-class customer service.

2. All inclusive

Our packages include absolutely all tasks typically performed by an accounting department. No hidden fees.

3. Professionalism

Every single accounting entry is checked by both people and the computer. We bear full material responsibility for our work. The risks are insured. Our processes are certified as meeting international standards in Information Security (ISO/IEC 27001:2013) and Quality Management (ISO 9001:2015). We pay close attention to details — as just one example, we use the kind of shredder that makes it impossible for anyone outside the secret services to put your confidential documents back together.

4. Communication

Our job is to save your time, not to waste it. Therefore, we distract you only if it’s absolutely necessary. At the same time, you can speak directly to your accountant anytime – something that most of our competitors avoid.


Prices are per month, prepaid quarterly, and apply to companies with revenue <10,000 Euros per month.
For each additional 10,000 Euros of revenue: +249 Euros extra charge.


Our key competitive advantage is a highly qualified management team with work experience in Russia, Western Europe and beyond.



A dual German-British national fluent in Russian, Benedikt has studied at both Oxford and Harvard, gained valuable work experience at Deutsche Bank and asset management house Baillie Gifford ($170bn under management) and holds the CFA charter.



Anna Sheremetyeva, CEO, is a tax expert certified by the Chamber of Tax Consultants of the Russian Federation. For 12 years, she has been working as a chief accountant and controller for foreign subsidiaries in Russia (both in-house and outsourcing).



Irina Lu graduated with distinction from the financial academy in Moscow and received her MBA from Doshisha University (Japan). She is an experienced project management professional and worked for over five years for a UAE exhibition company.



Maxim Lu has a strong academic and professional background in the field of engineering. He received his Masters Degree from the University of Edinburgh. Maxim has participated in several research projects and has multiple highly ranked scientific publications. He is responsible for a systematic approach to building operational processes.



Sergey Veselov has graduated from the Faculty of International Law of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MSIIR MFA RF) with a degree in Law. He is currently studying at Legal Regulation of Digital Development Master program at MSIIR MFA RF. He specializes in issues of international law, regulation of the circulation of cryptocurrencies and technologies using artificial intelligence. He is fluent in English and Spanish.


Our processes are certified as meeting international standards in Information Security (ISO/IEC 27001:2013) and Quality Management (ISO 9001:2015).
We bear full material responsibility for our work and hold a policy with one of Russia’s leading insurance companies.

Why Wagner and Experts?


Please click on the reviewers‘ names to see the original document.

Wir waren höchst zufrieden mit der im November 2016 erhaltenen Steuerberatung.

Der Bericht hat uns eine äußerst gründliche und detaillierte Analyse geboten. Er enthält wertvolle praktische Empfehlungen auf Grundlage der aktuellen Steuer- und Devisengesetzgebung sowie auf Grundlage einschlägiger Gerichtsverfahren.

Wir drücken unsere Hochachtung für die Erfahrung und Kompetenz aus und empfehlen Wagner & Experts jedem Unternehmen, welches sich auf der Suche nach einer kompetenten Steuerberatung befindet.

Dmitry Lukashevich

Geschäftsführer, Bell Russland

Als Geschäftsführer der HÜPPE-Gruppe möchte Ich mich bei Wagner & Experts, welche für unsere russischen Repräsentanz Buchhaltungs-Outsourcing und juristische Dienstleistungen erbringen, zunächst höchst bedanken.

Wagner & Experts zeichnen sich durch ein großartiges Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis im Bereich von Buchhaltungsdienstleistungen aus. Diese umfassen jegliche Leistungen, welche durch den Hauptbuchhalter einer kleinen Repräsentanz erbracht werden müssten – so zum Beispiel fortlaufende Beratung sowie die Bereitstellung von Vollmachten oder Registerauszügen ohne zusätzliche Kosten.

Wir bescheinigen Wagner & Experts eine hohe Kompetenz, Genauigkeit, Schnelligkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist, dass wir jederzeit Mailverkehr direkt mit unserer Buchhalterin austauschen können, da sie Englisch und Deutsch spricht. Zusammenfassend kann man hervorheben, dass die Servicequalität zu einem äußerst wettbewerbsfähigen Preis und durchweg auf einem hohen Niveau ist.

Ich freue mich über unsere Partnerschaft, welche uns vordergründig zu einer erheblichen Kostensenkung bei einer gleichzeitigen Effizienzsteigerung verholfen hat.

Ich bin mir sicher, dass viele andere potenzielle Kunden, die sich bietende Gelegenheit nutzen zu wissen.

Andre Kellinghaus

CEO, Hüppe Group

WIBERG Rus, die russische Tochterfirma des internationalen Konzerns FRUTAROM, spricht der Firma 2Syn [die unter dem Markennamen Wagner & Experts agiert] ihren Dank für das zeitnahe Consulting zum Thema Gewinn- und Mehrwertsteuer aus.

Im August 2017 bat unsere Firma 2Syn um Beratung in der Frage eventuell auftretender Besteuerung von Gewinn und Mehrwert bei unentgeltlicher Übergabe von Werbematerialien im Rahmen von Seminaren, die in Verbindung mit den laufenden Geschäften des Unternehmens standen.

2Syn antwortete schnell, kompetent und fundiert auf unsere Frage – mit Bezug auf geltende Rechtsvorschriften, das russische Steuergesetzbuch und relevanten Fällen aus der Gerichtspraxis – und kam zu stichhaltigen Schlüssen in dieser Sache.

Unsere Firma empfiehlt 2Syn als eine Organisation, deren fachkundige Spezialisten sich in schwierigen und sogar umstrittenen steuerlichen und buchhalterischen Situationen gut zurechtfinden.

Vera Maximova

Chefbuchhalter, WIBERG Rus

Ich bin Kunde bei Wagner & Experts; sie waren unglaublich hilfsbereit. Meine Firma hat ihre Tätigkeit aufgenommen, ich habe mein Arbeitsvisum und alles lief wie am Schnürchen. Sie haben den ganzen Prozess viel einfacher gemacht als erwartet, und das ganze Team sind angenehme Leute. Wärmstens empfohlen.

Chris Cole

Geschäftsführer, MonkeyBear LLC

Ich kann Ben Wagner empfehlen: er ist ein sehr unkomplizierter und ehrlicher Partner, ein Meister seines Fachs.

Siamak Karimzadeh



Our specialists regularly comment on economic developments in Russia and worldwide on television and in print media.
Please click on the logos to view the videos or read the articles.


Aspiring web entrepreneurs face another battle, namely, doing the undifferentiated yet all-important “heavy lifting” … Each area is a career unto itself, doing poorly in an area will cause the entrepreneur to fail, and yet doing a competent job at each one is simply the price of admission… developers routinely spend 70% of their time doing this back end work. At Amazon we call this ensemble of challenges ‘muck’.

If you deprive yourself of outsourcing and your competitors do not, you’re putting yourself out of business.

These results suggest that service outsourcing not only would not induce a fall in aggregate employment, but also has the potential to make firms/sectors sufficiently more efficient, leading to enough job creation in the same sectors to offset the lost jobs due to outsourcing.

Make sure your back room is their front room. In other words, don’t you do guard services at your plant. Get someone who specializes in guard services to do them for you. Get rid of in-house printing, in-house conference services, any business that isn’t at the core of your focus.

In a world of outsourcing, no organization should have second-class support groups. They should outsource those functions to someone else who makes their living doing this…Stop trying to be all things. Anytime you find anyone referring to any group as a “support function”, think hard about whether that’s a function you can outsource.

A brilliant example of this is Coca-Cola. The company produces the syrup that makes its hugely popular soft drink ‒ but outsources (via franchises) the bottling of the product. In this way, the main company retains control of the part that makes it unique, passing on the work that practically any other company could do.


Put your accounting in the experienced hands of our experts.
Hours, days, months of our lives – the most valuable thing we all have.


We believe that a personalized approach is the best way to build lasting relationships, so we have hand-picked our trusted partners to offer you best-in-class services, no matter where you need them.

Our partners in China (including Hong Kong), India, Italy, France and Croatia will assist you locally with legal and business advice, accounting outsourcing, visas and permits. We work in close collaboration with our partners, and we guarantee that you will be accompanied all the way through, to make your projects come true.

Get in touch with us and take advantage of Wagner & Expert’s network for your international business.



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or call us on +7 (495) 110-67-35.

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